Lap band surgery is considered a major surgery, even if it is performed laparoscopically and considered one of the safest weight loss procedures out there it is still a procedure that needs to be taken seriously. 

The preparation for gastric band surgery may vary from one bariatric clinic to another but in most of the cases it is mandatory for the patient to undergo some preoperative steps before surgery. 

Learn more about the preoperative preparation of the gastric band below.

Objective of the pre-operative phase of the gastric band

The importance of this preoperative preparation has two main goals:

  • Putting yourself in the best possible conditions for the day of your surgery.
  • Preparing you physically and mentally for the post operative surgery period.

The idea is to make things “easier” for your surgeon during surgery, during immediate and mediate recovery period as to make the transition for you as smooth as possible.

Steps before gastric band surgery

If you choose to go forward with Obesity Free you will receive a full preoperative guide which will detail every single step to follow before undergoing lap band surgery.

The following includes typical events that may occur prior to the laparoscopic placement of the gastric band in Mexico; however, since each patient is unique, what will actually occur may be slightly different:

1.- Depending on your BMI, Dr. Rosales will let you know if a pre-operative diet is necessary in order to reduce the size of your liver. Every obese person develops a condition known as “fatty liver.” A diet prior to surgery may reduce the risks of complications during surgery leading to a faster and smoother recovery.

2.- Blood work, chest x-ray and EKG will also be performed before surgery.

3.- Pre-operative consultations with specialists, such as a cardiologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist, etc., may be needed depending on your medical history and conditions. We will let you know if you will need this evaluation before your surgery. 

If you have any specific questions about the surgery, the protocol we follow for each patient, or any other, do not hesitate to contact us.